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LIGHT Katy Co-op COVID-19/Sick Policy (For Spring 2021 Only)

Writer: Light WebmasterLight Webmaster

Updated: Dec 11, 2021

LIGHT Katy Co-op COVID-19/Sick Policy

(For Spring 2021 Only)

The health and safety of all LIGHT Katy Co-Op Member Families are our top priority. We are establishing this policy with this in mind for all members of our organization. This will be our minimum requirements for all LIGHT Events. If a host location has additional requirements beyond our minimums, then we will of course honor those.

If you or anyone in your family is immunocompromised, it is strongly encouraged that your family take the year off during the COVID-19 pandemic.


In order to attend and participate in any LIGHT Sponsored event, it is required that you and all family members are symptom free from any illness for a MINIMUM of 48 hours before attending without symptom-reducing medication. If anyone in your household is sick, it is required that the whole family refrain from attending.

Do not attend a LIGHT sponsored event if you or anyone in your household is sick or has any of the following symptoms:

  • fever (99.5 or higher)

  • cough

  • shortness of breath

  • sore throat

  • colored or persistent mucus

  • diarrhea, vomiting, nausea

  • eye or ear drainage

  • Contagious illnesses such as, but not limited to, pink eye, chicken pox, measles, mumps, rubella, influenza, strep throat

  • contagious rash

  • head lice

For these symptoms/illnesses, refrain from returning to any LIGHT event for 48 hours once symptoms have passed without symptom-reducing medication.

If your child gets sick during a LIGHT sponsored event, you will be notified and need to leave immediately. The board will notify other families in attendance so they can best care for their families.


For any family that has a member with a confirmed case of COVID-19, the entire family must follow the current CDC and state mandates and refrain from participating in all LIGHT sponsored events for a minimum of 10 days SINCE SYMPTOMS APPEARED OR 10 days since a positive COVID-19 test and must be symptom free without fever reducing medication for a minimum of 48 hours before returning.

If you or anyone in your household learns that you have had direct contact with someone who has COVID-19, do not attend a LIGHT sponsored event for a minimum of 14 days since the last contact with the COVID-19 positive individual(s). Per the CDC, close contact means 6 feet or closer for 15 minutes or longer (total during a 24-hour time period).

However, per the CDC, “…anyone who has had close contact with someone with COVID-19 and who meets the following criteria does NOT need to stay home.

Due to rising numbers and filling hospitals in our state and nation, per current CDC COVID-19 recommendations, LIGHT Katy Co-Op Member Families must adhere to the following guidelines during LIGHT Sponsored Events:

  • For indoor events, remain socially distanced from those not within your household (at least 6 feet apart)

  • For indoor events, everyone ages 10 and older must wear a mask that covers nose, mouth, and chin; For those under age 10, masks are not required, but are also not discouraged .

  • Practice frequent hand washing and, when soap and water is not available, use hand sanitizer

  • For outdoor events, masks are not required, but they are also not discouraged.

  • For outdoor events, remain socially distanced from those not within your household

We thank everyone for understanding during these unusual and unprecedented times as we seek to best serve and care for all member families of LIGHT Katy Co-op. We know such guidelines can be difficult, but our desire is to protect our member families and our community during this pandemic.

For reading on the resources we have relied on, please see the following:

  1. Operating Schools During COVID-19: CDC’s Considerations:

  2. Personal and Social Activities:,until%20they%20feel%20dry.

  3. Considerations for Communities of Faith:

  4. What to do if you are Sick:

  5. When to Quarantine:

  6. When You Can Be Around Others After You Had or Likely Had COVID-19:

  7. I Wear a Mask:

*NOTE: This policy is subject to change as federal and state guidelines are updated and altered. This policy will be revisited each semester and applies to the current, Spring 2021 semester only.



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